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Financial HighlightsValue Creation

  • Net Sales
  • Operating Income
  • Net Income
Net sales rose because Average Revenue Per Unit (ARPU) increased due to an expansion in the use of Future Shop Co., Ltd.’s optional functions and alliance services and because we newly added Samurai Technology Co., Ltd. and Solairo, Inc. to the scope of consolidation. Restrictions on behavior due to the COVID-19 pandemic have been eased and the E-commerce growth rate has stabilized due to the return of consumption to bricks-and-mortar stores, so we saw a slight slowing in the rate of increase of important business indicators such as Gross Merchandise Value (GMV), ARPU, total development sales and recurring revenue. However, the Group saw generally steady growth overall.

Net Sales(million yen)

Unit: million yen

Although growth in new contracts was slow for Future Shop Co., Ltd., GMV and ARPU grew steadily, leading to increased gross profit. We made upfront investments to acquire future earnings and costs increased due to a move to large-scale projects at Softel Inc. On the other hand, profit increased due to change in policy for some of our advertising and publicity expenses. Going forward, we will continue to enhance our ability to respond to rapid changes in the industry by establishing a framework for making business decisions more quickly. In this way, we aim to further boost our corporate value in the medium- to long-term.

Operating Income (million yen)

Unit: million yen

Profit attributable to owners of parent increased due to foreign exchange gains from the depreciation of the yen, receipt of sponsorship money for the FS 20th anniversary event and an increase in gains of sales of investment securities in addition to an increase in operating income and items on the profit and loss statement above that. We aim to secure net sales with growth in the market by utilizing our unique strengths as a platform in the future. At the same time, we will proactively invest for growth to adapt to the future market environment.

Net income attributable to
parent company shareholders
(million yen)

Unit: million yen